22nd October 2022 - Danny has been there for Pineapple Grips right from the start. He approached us and asked if he could use our logo for his online racing. We are always happy to let Danny try our new offerings and he always tells it how it is.
28th September 2022 - The SimPit's legendary Shaun Cole is back again reviewing our wheel cover.
20th July 2022 - Noobifier puts our Chunky offering through its paces.
26th June 2022 - Early teaser video from The Noobifier
17th June 2022 - A review where Aussiestig who requested something a little more complex, but I am never one to shy away from a challenge!
16th June 2022 - A great review from Austrian Ron Reviewt. A detailed grip assembly of our Chunky Real Leather grips version and review including our new Wheel Cover product.
(video in German language with English subtitles)
6th June 2022 - Dave was one of the first to review pineapple grips products right at the start of our journey. Here is his review of our wheel cover offering.
6th June 2022 - One of the voices behind crew chief, The Gentlemens lounge was one of the first to receive our wheel cover product for review.
20th December 2021 - Teqqles puts our Real Leather Chunky grips to the test.
13th October 2021 - This was a fantastic review and full install guide of our first grip product from Will Ford of Boosted Media.
31st August 2021 - Teqqles Does Sim Racing's David Long in-depth review of our product and services including a full video installation guide (go to 2 mins 58 secs)....
29th August 2021 - The SimPit's legendary Shaun Cole is a sim racing legend. There right at the start and the first I followed many years ago. Who better than Shaun to kickstart the pineapplegrips adventure.
***DO NOT BUY ANYTHING*** until you have read and understood below.
LEAD TIMES If you wish to place an order today:
3D Printed Grips In-House - 19-20 November
3D Printed Grips Premium - 2 weeks
Wider Wheel Kits 290mm - 19-20 November
Wider Wheel Kits 310mm - 2 weeks
Everything else in stock - 48 hours
Thank You for supporting our small UK business.